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Customer Complaint Management Tool designed to keep complaints from reaching regulators.

FairShake Manages Dealer Risks

We have developed a program just for customer complaints. FairShake manages the process so you don't have to.

How We Do It


Enables dealers to review, respond, and manage complaints with one simple tool.

Features Include:

  • FAIRSHAKE Logo/Link on Dealer Website
  • ABLE Access to Mitigate Complaint
  • Resolution Tracking
  • Safely Stores Files

10-Steps for Navigating Complaint Management Compliance

Complynet 10steps FAIRSHAKE Final


Step 1

Designate a Complaint Management Team

  • Designate Team Members for Managing Complaints
  • Establish
  • Meet Quarterly


Step 2

Establish a Written Policy

  • Written Consumer Complaint Management Policy

Step 3

Staff Training

  • Online Training for Staff on Handling Consumer Complaints


Step 4

Link Fairshake Logo and Complaint Form

  • To Website
  • To Emails
  • To Signage with a QR Code

Step 5

Track Complaints and Responses

  • We help you manage the complaints and resolve issues to customers satisfaction


Step 6

Escalate Problematic Complaints for Reassignment

  • Escalate and reassign complaints to other team members


Step 7

Track Resolutions

  • Capture resolutions of consumer complaints


Step 8

Track Trends with Dynamic Dashboarding

  • The Fairshake dashboard allows you to track important trends


Step 9

Quarterly Meetings

  • Review complaints
  • Review responses
  • Review resolutions
  • Review trends


Step 10

Annual Reporting

  • Review trends
  • Establish remedial measures


Sign up for a demo today so we can show you how we do it. 
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