Environmental Health & Safety
Our EH&S solution helps keep your workers safe, and navigates the complexities of OSHA, EPA, and DOT compliance.

Our EHS solutions help you keep your workers safe, and navigates the complexities of OSHA, EPA, and DOT compliance.
With our proven system of guided compliance, you get a sense of security for your team and customers.
EH&S Program
Keep your dealership safe from environmental factors that impact your workers' and customers' safety.
- Quarterly Compliance and Safety Meetings
- Assigned a Dedicated Compliance Consultant
- Ongoing Assessments
- Online Access to Chemical Inventory
- Unlimited Image Uploads
- Dynamic Claims Monitor
- On-Site Consulting (Fee Based)
10-Steps for Navigating Environmental Health & Safety Compliance
Step 1
Establish a Safety Team
- Department Managers
- Department Employee Representatives
- Meet Quarterly
- Track Progress
- Resolve Issues
- Annual Report
Step 2
Initial Assessments
- Electronic Baseline Assessments
- Job Hazard Analysis
- Storage Tank Assessments for possible SPCC Plans
- Respirator Assessments
- Facility Inspections
- Equipment Inspections
Step 3
Written Programs, Plans, and Policies
- Hazard Communication Program
- Emergency Response and Fire Prevention Plan
- Personal Protective Equipment Policy
- Respirator Policy
- Lockout/Tagout Policy
- Incident Response Plan
- SPCC Plan (Fee Based)
Step 4
Chemical Inventories
- Perform Chemical Inventory Audits
- Upload Safety Data Sheets into ABLE’s SDS Portal
- Download Quick Access Icon onto Fixed-Ops Computers
- Update Portal and users as new chemicals are introduced
Step 5
Ongoing Trainings and Certifications
- General Safety
- Hazard Communication (aka HazCom or Right to Know)
- Vehicle Lift Safety
- Forklift Safety
- DOT Hazardous Material
- Hazardous Waste and Disposal
- Safe Driving
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- + more
Step 6
Accident & Injury Tracking
- Track
- Employee Complaints
- Accidents
- Injuries
- Illnesses
- Near Misses
- Generate
- OSHA Form 301
- OSHA Form 300
- OSHA Form 300A
Step 7
Periodic Assessments
Employees will answer:
- Confidential EHS Self-Assessments (SAQs)
- Facility and Equipment Inspections
Step 8
Track Issues to Resolution
- Using eTask, rack the remediation of flagged issues:
- Baseline Assessments (BAQs)
- Self-Assessments (SAQs)
- Facility Inspections
- Equipment Inspections
Step 9
Quarterly Meetings
- Review Progress
- Training
- Assessments
- Remediation
- Industry News
- Best Practices
- Claims Review – Dynamic Claims Response
Step 10
Annual Reporting
Document proactive efforts for insurance:- OSHA 300A
- Tier II (if necessary)
- Hazardous Waste (if necessary)
- Air emissions (if necessary)
We're Here To Help
Guided Compliance Consultants
Let us be your trusted advisor to guide you toward a culture of Complete Compliance.
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