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On-site visits help keep your team accountable with third-party assessments and guidance.


On-site visits establish a face-to-face connection and relationship with your team to foster a culture of compliance.

How We Do It


Our team of on-site compliance success consultants build relationships with your team by:

  • Assessing conditions 
  • Providing real-time feedback
  • Conducting impromptu trainings
  • Holding staff accountable

On-Site Visits Close The Loop



Step 1

Announced/Unannounced Visits

Both announced and unannounced visits are valuable.  Let us know how you would like to proceed, and your locations will receive:

  • Scheduled Visits
  • Unscheduled Visits


Step 2

Check-In with Designated Staff

We check-in with your designated location compliance champions to discuss:

  • The Purpose of the Visit
  • Matters to be Assessed
  • Estimated Time
  • Timing of a Wrap-Up Meeting


Step 3


Depending upon your programming, our compliance success consultants will perform:

  • Audits
  • Inspections
  • Walk-Throughs
  • Inventories
  • Employee Quizzing

Step 4

Written Reporting

Written reports are created to document issues, create accountability, and help change behaviors with:

  • Issues
  • Severity Levels
  • Potential Remedial Measures


Step 5

Wrap-Up Meetings

Discussions are help with your designated location compliance champions (and other staff - depending upon programming) to provide:

  • Written Assessment Reports
  • Findings Overview from Assessments
  • Guidance for Resolving Issues
  • Expectations for Next Visit


Step 6

Task Assignments

Tasks are assigned to the designated location compliance champions to resolve or re-assign discovered issues from:

  • Audits
  • Inspections
  • Walk-Throughs


Step 7

Issue Tracking and Resolution

Tasks are assigned to the designated location compliance champions to:

  • Resolve or Re-Assign Discovered Issues
  • Document Remedial Measures


Step 8

Review Outstanding Tasks

Between visits, both you, your team members, and your on-site consultant can review outstanding tasks with:

  • Dynamic Dashboards
  • Reminders
  • Messaging Tools


Step 9

Schedule Next Visit

Depending upon the frequency that you choose and your preference, our on-site compliance consultant will schedule an:

  • Announced Visit
  • Unannounced Visit


Step 10

Repeat the Process

Progress towards compliance objectives takes ongoing effort and focus.  In addition to all of the foregoing, our on-site consultants will uncover:

  • Resolved Issues that have resurfaced
  • New issues
  • Repeat Issues


Sign up for a demo today so we can show you how we do it. 
We're Here To Help

Customer Success Consultants

We come to you to with scheduled or unscheduled visits to see how your team is doing.

We Simplify Dealer Compliance (9)