‘Tis the season to be on the lookout for dealership slip and fall hazards. Slips, trips, and falls already constitute the largest source or workplace Injuries, but the introduction of ice and snow onto driveways and walkways raise the stakes considerably.
A dealer’s best defense is to increase awareness of the enhanced risk. Communicate the following to all departments:
OSHA reports that injuries from these sources constitute the majority of general industry accidents. They result in back injuries, sprains, contusions and fractures. And accidental deaths from falls are second only to auto accidents.
Many of your customers are not young and spry and the majority are not frequent visitors, so walking surfaces are not familiar to them. When we recommend that you communicate the message to all departments, we believe that it should be reinforced weekly until you are comfortable that awareness of the risks has been absorbed. It always pays for senior management to reinforce the message by pointing out deficiencies and congratulating best efforts.
ABOUT COMPLYNET: Founded in 1994, ComplyNet has emerged as an automotive industry leader in compliance and risk mitigation solutions in the area of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S), Sales, Finance, Information Security, and Human Resources. ComplyNet combines its on-site services and its intuitive software-as-a-solution services to help dealerships, service centers, and body shops reduce risk, achieve compliance, and retain talent. ComplyNet serves over 1,000 dealers across the United States, including multiple dealership groups in the top 150.